A Horizon of Thanksgiving

A horizon, the canvas of possibilities,
360 degrees of future waiting for us all.
Our desire’s compass points towards dreams
Out there beyond our circle wall.

Everyone is headed over a horizon,
But in which direction?

The wise look for signs left by travelers,
our ancestors long past.
They beg a lesson from experienced guides.
Wisdom stops to meditate,
And ponder
A course correction.

The easy button takes the freeway,
With an autopilot set to follow
And sleeps at the wheel.

I want to study my horizon carefully
With one eye on the passing time,
And another on the road ahead.

Let us ignore nearsighted distractions this fall
And give thanks looking back to recall.

The dying sun in glory spread
Like a halo behind our heads,
It warns of the coming night
With the promise of returning
