Is it possible to love another if you lack the self-love part?
If true-love wants the best for loved,
Would not love demand “release the dove to a truer heart?”
Fly be free my love to firmer ground hereof:
A shore in dignity, a home in olive tree,
And may his heart have room for you and he…
If you find none, comeback to me on this lonely ark;
Maybe then the gloomy weather inside of me
Will depart, and when the sun shines, bows an arch,
Promising that His light is all I need to cure this disease.
My home is grounded in the hope and promise of
The one who died selflessly, beloved from above.
I’m sorry I made an altar to you in my heart,
That room’s given to Him we love most, never to depart.
You are welcome to return and listen at his feet;
I would not begrudge you that honored seat.
He will hold you gently, and give you peace in love;
We remember Him with broken bread and a cup like blood.